Fun with auto-layout and scrollview

This post covers the basics of using auto-layout and scrollview. So with the advent of bigger screen iPhones it has become (not just almost but completely) important to understand the mechanics of auto-layout. So I hope you will find this post useful incase you are having difficulty using scrollview and auto-layout.

Here is the complete process assuming you want vertical scrolling:

Now lets say you want to add 3 subviews each of height 400px (total = 1200px)

Now if everything went as planned then your container view height will automatically increase to 1200px or more in the xib/storyboard.

Now why this works ?


Now read this

How to Make a Pod of your iOS library

This post is about converting your iOS project into a pod and not how to upload it to CocoaPods (yes you can make private pods too). So here are the steps: finish your iOS library coding once done then make a new file called... Continue →