iOS < Design, Development > issue - 5

devRead #

  • Swift + Accelerate = Surge
    Surge aims to bring Accelerate to the mainstream, making it as easy (and nearly as fast, in most cases) to perform computation over a set of numbers as for a single member.
  • Swift - weekly issue 1
    Swift Developer Weekly is a free weekly publication full of interesting, relevant links curated by Phil Wright.
  • Apple Case Study on Optionals in Swift
    This post explores how optionals help preserve strong type safety within Swift. We’re going to create a Swift version of an Objective-C API.
  • Swift memory dumping
    In previous articles, I’ve discussed the layout of various runtime data structures in Swift and alluded to a memory dumper that I was using to extract that data. Today, I’m going to walk through the implementation of that dumper.
  • Replacing Launch Images with Storyboard
  • Auto layout best practices for minimum pain
    Auto layout is a great tool, it helps keep our sanity as developer, and it prevent us lazy people from using magic numbers when setting frames. But no technology comes without disadvantages.
  • WKWebView
    WKWebView is the centerpiece of the modern WebKit API introduced in iOS 8 & Mac OS X Yosemite. It replaces UIWebView in UIKit and WebView in AppKit, offering a consistent API across the two platforms.
  • Auto Layout In iOS 8 - layoutDebuggingIdentifier
    Another new identifier Apple added in iOS 8 is the private API property _layoutDebuggingIdentifier to UIView that you can use to clean up what is output in _autolayoutTrace.

tools #

  • ParallaxBlur
    ParallaxBlur aims the be an easy-to-use implementation of a UITableController with a parallax header. It is screen resolution independant, orientation indendant, and will automatically adjust if there is a navigation bar in place.
  • Banshee
    This is a component designed to provide the user with a full browsing experience rather than just for navigation of a few html pages.

design #

  • Understanding Material Design
    What if pixels didn’t just have color, but also depth? What if there was an intelligent material that was as simple as paper, but could transform and change shape with a touch?
  • Design and Silicon valley
    For the last seven months, I’ve been doing a reverse-compile on the state of design in VC and Silicon Valley. The breadcrumbs are becoming slightly more visible, so I’ll leave my notes here.

generalRead #

  • What do you do when the trolls come marching in?
    I’ve been called a spammer, a hack, a link-baiter, a self-centered and flippant asshole, and shoddy excuse for a writer who would do better if I stopped putting articles out.
  • How I work as a Digital Nomad
    I was living in Portland and happy to just work from home, but I wanted to travel more. A little over two years ago I gave up my apartment, sold almost everything, put some stuff in storage, and took off on my motorcycle.
  • My Morning Routine
    Inspiring morning routines for a more productive and enjoyable day.
  • Indie iOS developer
    I plunged into this at the beginning of July, with the hope that developing my app, SongSheet, full-time would bring it to the point where it was profitable and thriving. Of course, right when I do this, talk flares up about the state of indie iOS developers (how few there are, and how difficult it is) across the various blogs that I follow.

Now read this

iOS < Design, Development > issue-6

devRead # Are you ready for iOS 8 ? Apple’s release of iOS 8 changes everything. We’ve compiled a run down of what’s possible. & Swift Socket.IO is a real-time event based communication engine. It primarily uses WebSockets... Continue →