iOS < Design, Development > issue - 4
devRead #
- Advanced iOS development features
Many app-related tasks depend on the type of app you are trying to create. This topic shows you how to implement some of the common behaviors found in iOS apps.- CocoaPods by
CocoaPods is a library dependency management tool for OS X and iOS applications. With CocoaPods, you can define your dependencies, called pods, and manage their versions easily over time and across development environments.- Craft - Promise in iOS
Its an open source Swift based library called Craft from Tommy Leung for promises that is based on the Promises/A+ standard with a very clean syntax.- Swift as a scripting language
One of the big advantages of Swift is that it gives you access to all Cocoa APIs and lets you use them in some very flexible ways. One of those is the possibility to use Swift as a general OS “scripting” language – instead of bash, PyObjC or C or any other option that you might have opted for in the past.- Moya - Network something something in Swift
Here’s a library from Ash Furrow created in Swift called Moya that utilizes AlamoFire providing a network abstraction layer that makes it easier to work with more complex APIs, especially those where an action can lead to different end points.
design #
- Write better walkthroughs with the 3x3 Method
As a product designer, you have many roles to fill. Strategist, UX designer, front-end dev, and marketer to name a few. The smaller your team (maybe your “team” is just you), the greater the number of hats there are to wear.- VisuAlgo
Visualising data structures and algorithms through animation- iOS design
Drawar is a place that teaches design in a way that you will not find elsewhere. While the actual application of design might happen in Sketch or Photoshop, it is useless without a basic understanding of design principles and theories.
generalRead #
- BetaList
Discover tomorrow’s startups, today.- Custom Mailbox BetaCoins
Yesterday, Mailbox released their beta Mac app. One cute thing they did, was that instead of a beta link or code, they distributed cute little animated gif coins which you could then drop into a “tin can” in the app to gain access.- DPI & PPI
This guide is designed as a “get started” or introductory read for the starting to intermediate designer who wants to learn or get more knowledge about cross-DPI and cross-platform design from the very beginning.