[iOS Developer] [aspiring Designer]

Read this first



for ios i used the below library, provided by FSq itself so it makes thing really easy and smooth


using endpoints

Once you have an access token, it’s easy to use any of the endpoints, by just adding

oauth_token=ACCESS_TOKEN to your GET or POST request.


searching a restaurant using its name


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Dynamic Cell Size in UITableView - new iOS 8 api

One of the new iOS-8 api allow the developers to provide dynamic height to their tableView cells without much hassle. So now we don’t have to implement the following method

- (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath{

Instead we need to add this

  self.tableView.estimatedRowHeight = estimatedHeight;
  self.tableView.rowHeight = UITableViewAutomaticDimension;

And apply the appropriate constraints in the xib/storyboard of the cell which will help xcode to correctly calculate its height.

  • apart from top, bottom, left and right constraints you also need to add one height constraint (equal or more than) which will tell xcode the minimum height of the cell and also that it is available to increase its height if required.

So now you don’t need to make a function that will return the dynamic/changed height of every cell. iOS-8...

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How to Make a Pod of your iOS library

This post is about converting your iOS project into a pod and not how to upload it to CocoaPods (yes you can make private pods too). So here are the steps:

  • finish your iOS library coding
  • once done then make a new file called [your_project_name.podspec] in the root of your project structure.
  • add the following (just default) code in your [your_project_name.podspec]
Pod:: Spec.new do |spec|
  spec.name         =  'your_project_name'
  spec.version      =  'your_project_version_number'
  spec.summary   =  'your_project_summary'
  spec.author = {
    'developer_name' => 'developer_email'
  spec.license          =  'MIT' 
  spec.homepage         =  'your_project_homepage_url'
  spec.source = {
    :git => 'your_projects_github_https_git_url',
    :branch => 'your_project_branch_name'
  spec.source_files =  'your_folder_name_which_has_all_the_lib_files/*.{h,m}'

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Fun with auto-layout and scrollview

This post covers the basics of using auto-layout and scrollview. So with the advent of bigger screen iPhones it has become (not just almost but completely) important to understand the mechanics of auto-layout. So I hope you will find this post useful incase you are having difficulty using scrollview and auto-layout.

Here is the complete process assuming you want vertical scrolling:

  • enable auto-layout
  • add a scrollview anywhere using storyboard or xib
  • add 4 constraints on scrollview (all with respect to its superview)
    • left
    • right
    • top
    • bottom
  • add a container view (a UIView basically) into scrollview
  • add 5 constraints to the container view (all with respect to its superview i.e. scrollView)
    • left
    • right
    • top
    • bottom
    • fixed width (if you want vertical scrolling)
    • DON’T add the 6th constraint i.e. height as it will be automatically calculated by the xcode depending on its subviews
  • add...

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 iOS < Design, Development > issue - 7

This blog post is a self-curated list of some of the important (totally unbiased) happenings in iOS development and design community for this week. I have divided them into several categories so that you can follow articles which ever suits your mood right now. So lets start with:

Development Read

Lets get to the point. This blog will be mostly about iOS development so is this section. So brace yourself for some deep heavy iOS stuff.

  • Objc.io - Swift
    One day after Apple’s iPhone and WATCH event, there’s a lot of new stuff to digest. But in addition to new hardware, Apple’s new programming language, Swift, went 1.0 yesterday. And that’s what this issue is all about

  • Swift Playground Builder
    Create your own interactive Swift playgrounds with embedded documentation compiled from Markdown.

  • Design-Patterns-In-Swift
    Design Patterns implemented in Swift.

  • from-objective-c-to...

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Discover as you move on

ux design product concept

If you want your users to have an automated-relevant feed then you need to ask them to choose the appropriate categories to apply the filter. But you cannot present all of them at the same time as there are lots of them. So you have to ask them gently and to start with just show them few but broad categories, then delve into the appropriate ones and update/change the pool of categories dynamically as the user proceeds. You have to guide the user where they should go, its your responsibility and not theirs.

Now its your decision whether you want to make it infinitely long (never ending) or limit them at some point.



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iOS < Design, Development > issue-6


  • Are you ready for iOS 8 ?
    Apple’s release of iOS 8 changes everything. We’ve compiled a run down of what’s possible

  • Socket.io & Swift
    Socket.IO is a real-time event based communication engine. It primarily uses WebSockets but can fallback to Flash sockets, JSONP polling and Long Polling. Typically both the client and the server need to be running Socket.io

  • this week in SWIFT
    This week, I was really lucky to attend a talk by Chris Eidhof about Functional Programming in Swift at the SLUG Meetup. I haven’t done much functional programming in my career yet, so it was really cool to have my default OO perspective challenged.

  • tuples-structs-enums-in-swift
    Swift has lots of different ways of storing your data. You can use enums, tuples, structs, classes (or even just use malloc and manage it yourself)! In this article, we’ll compare enums, tuples and structs.

  • ident...

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iOS < Design, Development > issue - 5


  • Swift + Accelerate = Surge
    Surge aims to bring Accelerate to the mainstream, making it as easy (and nearly as fast, in most cases) to perform computation over a set of numbers as for a single member.
  • Swift - weekly issue 1
    Swift Developer Weekly is a free weekly publication full of interesting, relevant links curated by Phil Wright.
  • Apple Case Study on Optionals in Swift
    This post explores how optionals help preserve strong type safety within Swift. We’re going to create a Swift version of an Objective-C API.
  • Swift memory dumping
    In previous articles, I’ve discussed the layout of various runtime data structures in Swift and alluded to a memory dumper that I was using to extract that data. Today, I’m going to walk through the implementation of that dumper.
  • Replacing Launch Images with Storyboard
  • Auto layout best practices for minimum pain
    Auto layout is a great...

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iOS < Design, Development > issue - 4


  • Advanced iOS development features
    Many app-related tasks depend on the type of app you are trying to create. This topic shows you how to implement some of the common behaviors found in iOS apps.
  • CocoaPods by Objc.io
    CocoaPods is a library dependency management tool for OS X and iOS applications. With CocoaPods, you can define your dependencies, called pods, and manage their versions easily over time and across development environments.
  • Craft - Promise in iOS
    Its an open source Swift based library called Craft from Tommy Leung for promises that is based on the Promises/A+ standard with a very clean syntax.
  • Swift as a scripting language
    One of the big advantages of Swift is that it gives you access to all Cocoa APIs and lets you use them in some very flexible ways. One of those is the possibility to use Swift as a general OS “scripting” language – instead of bash...

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iOS < Design, Development > issue - 3


  • Objc.io - issue 15
  • prototyping animations in swift - part 1
  • prototyping animations in swift - part 2
  • iOS-8 day-by-day - day 18
  • why people are turning off push


  • Package manager for Xcode
  • Kiwi - Behavior Driven Development library for iOS development
  • Codehub
  • App review 360
  • Animate in Xcode without code


  • Google Chrome for iOS Material Design
  • what is product design
  • principles of website design by google
  • html email templates
  • css guidelines
  • Web design inspirations by - Abduzeedo
  • Web design inspirations by - TopTrendingWeb
  • You Enter App
  • Lappsy
  • Photo sharing concept


  • Hyperlapse by Microsoft
  • plan and run great conference
  • design & product read
  • dear silicon valley
  • BitTorrent Sync Apps Offer Escape From Big Brother
  • Elle Luna


  • Ira Glass on storytelling

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